Microsoft Certified Architect / Master and Principal PM for SQL Server Advanced Certifications will be presenting two topics for this session.
The first topic will provide an overview of the new features in Transact-SQL introduced or enhanced for SQL Server 2012. Each of these will be presented in the context of demo code, so you can see the new features in action.
The second topic will address the changes to the Microsoft Certification program, as it applies to SQL Server.
There will be time for Q&A as well.
UPDATE: Here are the Demos And Slide from the meeting
boB Taylor is a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft responsible for the Microsoft Certified Solutions Master and Certified Architect program for SQL Server. boB recently join Microsoft Learning after six years in the Microsoft Premier organization. boB’s career in IT started over 39 years ago, programming FORTRAN on punch cards (and has written assembly language programs on a drum based computer). He understands the entire development life-cycle having been a line of business programmer, a manager and Vice President of Software Engineering, and a Director of Database Technologies. boB started working with SQL Server on version 4.2.1a back in the early nineties. boB holds many industry certifications including Microsoft Certified Architect (2005/2008), Microsoft Certified Master (2005/2008), MCSE: Data Platform, MCITP, MCSD.NET, MCT, and MCSE. boB has participated in the development of over 10 different Microsoft Certified Professional certification exams. The unique spelling of boB’s first name comes from the fact that he is a magician and mentalist – the only thing he has done longer than software development. and