Presentation Title : Fast Track to Spatial Reporting
Difficulty Level : Intermediate
Presentation Synopsis :
SSRS 2008 R2 has opened a new realm of reporting possibilities by including the spatial data support. By the end of this session, you should be familiar with the basic spatial concepts, creating map reports in SSRS from different sources, drilling down on map reports, aggregating custom data in the maps , creating squarified TreeMap reports and many more interesting tips and tricks revolving around them.
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Speaker Bio :
Jason Thomas is a Microsoft Certified SQL Server professional with over 6 years of Microsoft BI experience. He currently works as a BI Consultant for Mariner in Charlotte, NC. He is a constant presence in the MSDN forums and was recognized with the Microsoft Community Contributor award. He blogs regularly at and can also be found tweeting about BI related stuff at!/de_unparagoned
Speaking Experience :
I have spoken
– at SQLBits 9 (largest SQL Conference in Europe)
– at a couple of Local UG events in London
– lots of internal presentations in my previous company
Going to speak
– SQLSaturday#118 (Madison, WI)